Sunday Inspiration
/Every week I check a variety of sources for some of the best articles on Job Search, Resume Writing, and Career Change. Here's what I found:
Why Good Employees Quit -- Donn Carr (LinkedIn)
I have personal experience with this topic. I experienced #2 in this article's list -- I wasn't appreciated or recognized for my work. Believe me, that's an important issue! And one that drives many employees to leave their jobs.
Do You Have What It Takes To Change Careers? -- Barb Poole (CDI)
Changing careers isn't easy -- which is why I love working with people who are seeking to change careers! It take a lot of work, but is totally worth it. This article will help you see if you have what it takes.
The Cover Letter Formula That Skyrocketed My Interviews From 0% to 55% -- Lisa Siva (The Muse)
Cover letters aren't about you -- it's about the company you're applying to. This article is full of tricks to make sure you're doing it right.
The 4 Pre-Interview Poses to Boost Your Confidence -- Fahran Raja (The Undercover Recruiter)
Because we can all use as much confidence as we can get!
Take a look at these articles and if you have any questions, please do reach out!